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Battle.Net-Blizzard, 1559[^]30282-DIGITAL World of Warcraft - Legion (Expansion Pack)

Destruction rains down upon Azeroth. Demons of the Burning Legion surge into our realm heralding the
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Battle.Net-Blizzard, 1559[^]30282-DIGITAL World of Warcraft - Legion (Expansion Pack)
Destruction rains down upon Azeroth. Demons of the Burning Legion surge into our realm heralding the return of the dark titan Sargeras Ravager of Worlds. As doom comes for the Alliance and the Horde AzerothÙs heroes must seek salvation among the ruins of the Broken Isles doomed center of ancient night elf civilization and birthplace of myths dating back to the worldÙs creation. There theyÙll harness legendary and forbidden powers to hunt unspeakable nightmares and unstoppable fel

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